Having diabetes puts you at risk for foot problems, including nerve damage and poor circulation, which can lead to serious complications. In fact, diabetic foot ulcers affect 1.6 million people in the United States every year. Around half of those ulcers become infected, and 20% of those infected diabetic foot ulcers result in total foot amputation. These shocking facts underscore how important proper foot care is for diabetics.

Thankfully, you don’t have to face the challenge of diabetic foot care on your own. With the expertise and guidance of a trusted podiatrist, you can take proactive steps to keep your feet healthy and avoid diabetic-related foot problems.

Continue reading to learn more about getting diabetic foot care in Huntington Park, Maywood, Bell Gardens, and surrounding areas.

How Can a Podiatrist Help With Diabetic Foot Care?

Diabetes can significantly affect foot health in several ways. High or unstable blood sugar levels over time can lead to things like:

  • Nerve damage that makes it difficult to detect injuries or infections — known as neuropathy
  • Poor circulation which can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of ulcers and infections
  • Dry skin that makes your feet more prone to cracking and wound development

Thankfully, a podiatrist can do several things to help you avoid these common diabetic foot problems.

1. Regular Exams and Risk Assessments

Regular foot exams are an important part of diabetic foot care. To the untrained eye, you may miss some subtle signs of trouble, like small cracks or the beginnings of an ingrown toenail. These can quickly become problematic for a diabetic.

With regular foot exams, a podiatrist can check for any signs of potential trouble — including calluses, corns, blisters, or sores that can lead to a foot infection. If the podiatrist notices any potential issues, they can recommend steps to reverse or ward off trouble.

2. Trimming Toenails

Small cuts and punctures to the skin can lead to big problems for diabetics. This is why proper toenail care is essential. For diabetics, especially older diabetics who may not have the flexibility and mobility to properly care for their toenails properly, seeing a podiatrist for toenail care is the best option.

If you decide to trim your toenails yourself, follow good techniques to reduce your chances of any issues. Good toenail trimming techniques include:

  • Use nail clippers specifically designed for toenails.
  • Cut your nails straight, avoiding rounding the corners or cutting them too short.
  • File the edges of your nails with an emery board to smooth any rough edges.
  • Avoid cutting your cuticles, as this can lead to infection.
  • If you have trouble seeing or reaching your toenails, ask a family member or a podiatrist for help.

If you notice any signs of trouble, like sore or reddened skin, ingrown toenails, thick toenails, or areas of numbness in the feet, you should see a podiatrist for guidance.

3. Proper Treatment of Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcers start with a subtle breakdown of the skin on the foot. This can happen as easily as having too much pressure in one area of the foot, either by resting in the same position or wearing ill-fitting shoes. Foot ulcers can be dangerous if left untreated and can lead to serious complications such as infection and even amputation.

Regular check-ups with a podiatrist can help prevent foot ulcers and treat foot ulcers quickly, which is important to avoid infection or other serious complications.

4. Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are shoe inserts specifically designed to support and cushion your feet. Diabetic orthotics are particularly useful for people with diabetes, as they can help distribute pressure evenly across your feet, reducing the risk of developing foot ulcers. A podiatrist can assess your feet, determine if custom orthotics are right for you, and even help you get the right ones.

5. Footwear Guidance

One of the most important aspects of diabetic foot care is choosing the right footwear. A podiatrist can advise you on what type of shoes are best for your feet.

Diabetic shoes are specially designed to prevent foot injuries and promote proper circulation. They are usually made of soft materials to reduce pressure on the feet, have a wide and deep toe box to prevent rubbing and irritation, and have a firm sole to provide stability and support. A podiatrist can help you find the best-fitting shoes for the unique shape of your foot arch and lifestyle.

Where to Find Diabetic Foot Care in Huntington Park, CA

Taking good care of your feet is more important than ever if you are diabetic. Dr. Ebram Abdelmalak and the team at La Clínica de los Pies are committed to helping you avoid serious diabetic foot complications and keep your feet as healthy, pain-free, and functional as possible.

Whether you need toenail trimming, orthotics, or help picking out the perfect diabetic shoes, La Clínica de los Pies can help!

Ready to schedule an appointment for diabetic foot care in Huntington Park?